Well here we go!!!
- 3 days after our 1st DPFL Live Event !!
What can I say that hasn't been said already ?
It was definitely overwhelming !!!!
We got a lot of work to do that's for sure!! Not everything went perfect !! As always we tried to keep the issues away from the players.. Like internet issues, which caused that we weren't able to stream. Also due to the PDC which basically own the players… and they own all rights on the players…Which is for me nonsense ( in my opinion ) !!!
To grow the sport we need all the promotion every player can get !!!
It doesn't matter if it's from the PDC, CDC, BDG, US darts or all the other streaming platforms and organizations around the globe!
We had 5 of the top 128 players of the world at our event which says a lot !!
But anyways back to our event.. I think our setup was on point and we got a lot of great feedback ! We kept the DPFL style with our backwalls and made it happen! Small improvements need to be made with oches which we already have solutions for!!
Big thanks to Carl Powers and the whole Florida commercial team who make this possible !
Also a big thanks for the input i received from Larry Butler who ius traveling the world since 30 years for Darts!!! Very appreciated! Of course all the other input we received as well !!
I can tell you one thing, running an event is not easy,,, it needs a lot of people to make it happen! COming to that.. Thank you to the whole DPFL TEAM Steve McDowell, Harry Carter, Chris Clark, Alan Palmer, Brian Herbert and Bob Rafferty who covered us on Discord and the online league! As well to our Helper Esmerelda Red, Valerie Ushanova, Lisa Eimer and all the others…
We were able with our event to show the Darts world in North America what DPFL is capable of doing! We ran Open Events as well Divisional Events and capped Events which worked out perfectly ! Due to the Help of Greg Tong on Dartconnect !!!
We as DPFL will recap the event in the next days and will put out our next steps shortly !
With that being said.. THANK YOU for all the participants and everyone who was involved!
As well a big thanks to our Sponsors:
Galaxy Apparel Galaxy Barrel Dartbrokers 9dartout Throw Pro Vinyl Disorder Lstyle Idontcarebar Shotdart
And all the other i forgot !!
I thought you guys did an outstanding job. It was nice meeting everyone that I met and seeing the people I had already met. Again great job to everyone.