Good morning!!!!
Scolia Cup Finals is still on for Sunday the 10th... 6pm est !!!
IF you CANT make it please let me know by Sunday 4pm est!!!! So we can move the next person in the ranking in!!!
Everybody who didnt win a Qualifier event have to sign up on https://www.dpfldarts.com/dpflscoliaevent
To the 10 Player who won an Event just confirm you are able to play !!!
Let me know ASAP
Above 65avg
Gary Brooks - CONFIRMED
Tyler Nelson
Norman Madhoo
Patrick Kithi - OUT
Leonard Gates
Grant Smith - SIGNED UP
Douglas Wade
Kurt Hartmann
Ray Morgan
Corey Beck
Harrison Carter
Travis Turner
Jacob Brooks
Cody Murphy
Jacob Koch - SIGNED UP
Cary Wark
Next in the ranking:
17 Josh Daynes
18 Andrews, Christian
19 Hill, Jeff
20 Trumbo, Jason
21 Esquibel, Michael
22 Gary Kidd
23 David Gott
24 Davey, Tucker
Below 65
Nicholas Harris - CONFIRMED
Chris Baer
David Achgill - CONFIRMED
James Greene - CONFIRMED
Raymond Crisostomo - SIGNED UP
Brian Herbert
Brent Smyth
Tim Shore - SIGNED UP
Ron Marks - SIGNED UP
Jonathan Watson - SIGNED UP
Jon Johnson
Steve Cook - SIGNED UP
Aaron Zimmerman - SIGNED UP
Michael Sanders - SIGNED UP
Michael Jones - SIGNED UP
Next in ranking:
17 Wallace, Michael
18 Timothy DeHond
19 Collier, Matt
20 Roberts, Michael
21 Russell, Bradley
22 Springett, Dylan
23 Gaberial Chopp
24 Chris Thiele