Good morning people!!!
What a ride it has been! The DPFL Blind Draw Masters came to a thrilling close last night, and folks, we were blown away by the turnout. Event after event, we saw the slots fill up quicker and quicker!!!
A massive thank you goes out to all of you. Your unending support keeps us going, and it’s why we do what we do. And for those of you already itching for more, fear not! The Blind Draw Masters will return this August to kick off a new DPFL year!
But first, let's reflect on the exciting conclusion we just witnessed.
Brain Mercer and Alan Palmer clinched a spectacular victory over Robert Jeavons and Donovan Aromy last night. What a showcase of high-octane darting! Despite trailing 2-0 in cricket initially, Brain and Alan mounted a comeback for the ages, flipping the scoreboard to 3-2 and then steamrolling through the sets to secure a 2-0 win. Bravo, gentlemen!
Now, it's time for some applause for our top contenders:
Top 4:
Bryan Garland
Tucker Davey
Craig Wilson
Robbie Miller
Top 8:
Chris Baer
Chris Fountain
Chaz Quinn
Norman Madhoo
Brian Mundy
Grant Trzeciak
Brandon Goddard
Jim Widmayer
A huge shout-out to all our competitors! Here are the rewards they've secured for their prowess:
Winner team - $240 (split $120 each) and complimentary entry to all Blind Draws at the DPFL Live event.
Runner-up Team - $120 (split $60 each) plus free entry to all Blind Draws at the DPFL Live event.
Top 4 Teams - $100 (split $50 each) and complimentary entry to all Blind Draws at the DPFL Live event.
Top 8 Teams - $60 (split $30 each) and free entry to all Blind Draws at the DPFL Live event.
And we mustn't forget the individual champions of this endeavor:
1. Brian Mercer
2. Chris Baer
3. Pat Cummings
4. Brian Mundy
The first and second ranked individuals earn a free stay in a shared villa at the 2nd DPFL Live event, taking place August 17th-20th. We're also offering travel vouchers or cash payouts worth $200 for the top four individually ranked players! Additionally, the top four will be seeded 61st-64th at the DPFL Championship event in August.
Each one of you has our utmost gratitude. The Blind Draw Masters was an exhilarating experience, and we hope you had as much fun participating as we did organizing it.
Stay sharp and keep those darts flying, my friends. Here's to even more exciting times ahead!
Thank you, everyone! Till next time.
