I'm sitting here at my desk trying to plan my trips to various tournaments . It's not easy to navigate the web and pull up everything from around the country.
I would love if everyone reading this could help me out. Just send me a message or leave a comment here and let me know what we have out there for events.
I've been to a few over the last year and I'm looking to do more.
My plans as of right now are our live DPFL Tournament Aug 19th-21st. Then i will be flying out to Nova Scotia Sept 22nd-27th for the Phoenix Sport and apparel tournament in Shediac NB.
Like i said, send me some info so i can start planning my late 2022 and 2023. Below is a link to my facebook. If it suits you better add me as a friend and send me a message there.

I appreciate everyone's help T.I.A
Till we meet again. See Ya on the Oche

Music City Classic in Nashville is coming up shortly, if you wanted to make the drive up.
Would like to help out